Student personal webpage guidelines
This webpage is built with the aim of fulfilling the University's objective to provide an each student with their own webpage. This opportunity is exclusively provided for the undergraduates of the University of Peradeniya. As the Web Consultant Unit of this project, we are trying to make this process easier for you. So, try to be more creative and innovative and build your own webpage.
Don't have an own website?
Why do I need my own webpage?
Get to know your friends and colleagues of the University.
To get the attention and support of people for your projects and researches.
When applying for jobs (as an alternative for websites like LinkedIn)
Should I need to know about web development before I create my own webpage?
No; All the instructions to create and to manage the webpage are given.
Let's create a webpage
So, if your are willing to make your next step to create your own webpage, please go through the given guidelines step by step.
Please go through each step by looking at the provided PDFs and videos. Read the instructions carefully and don't make any mistakes. If you have any complains or suggestions feel free to contact us through the links provided at the bottom.
Step 4: Managing your personal Google Site - VIDEO
Step 5: Getting access to edit your "University-provided personal web page template" - PDF
Now you can simply get a copy of the template here without any requests
Step 6: Managing your domain in Namecheap account and publishing the website - PDF | VIDEO
Is it compulsory to use the template given by the university?
No, actually it is highly appreciated if you create your own website. This is just a template. You can even publish your website at other hosts(GitHub...) as well. Learn and go ahead :)
I couldn't publish my google site with a custom URL since there is no option to add a custom URL. What can I do?
Probably you might be trying to publish the website with your university G-suite account. G-suite account wont allow you to add custom domain as you wish. Therefore, publish your website at your personal gmail account.
your university account - wrong
your personal account - correct
Encountered an error message when assigning custom URL. It says that the URL is not verified, but I have verified it. How to fix this issue?
First check whether you have done verification and publishing with your personal gmail address. Both should be done with your personal google account not your university G-suite account.
Here are some supplementary materials if you want to know more about GitHub, Google Sites etc.